



  1. 算术运算符


+  # 加
echo $((2 + 3))  # 输出:5

-  # 减
echo $((5 - 3))  # 输出:2

*  # 乘
echo $((3 * 4))  # 输出:12

/  # 除
echo $((10 / 3))  # 输出:3

%  # 取模
echo $((10 % 3))  # 输出:1
  1. 比较运算符


-eq  # 等于
if [ 2 -eq 2 ]; then echo "2 equals 2"; fi  # 输出:2 equals 2

-ne  # 不等于
if [ 2 -ne 3 ]; then echo "2 does not equal 3"; fi  # 输出:2 does not equal 3

-gt  # 大于
if [ 3 -gt 2 ]; then echo "3 is greater than 2"; fi  # 输出:3 is greater than 2

-lt  # 小于
if [ 2 -lt 3 ]; then echo "2 is less than 3"; fi  # 输出:2 is less than 3

-ge  # 大于等于
if [ 3 -ge 3 ]; then echo "3 is greater than or equal to 3"; fi  # 输出:3 is greater than or equal to 3

-le  # 小于等于
if [ 2 -le 3 ]; then echo "2 is less than or equal to 3"; fi  # 输出:2 is less than or equal to 3
  1. 逻辑运算符


!   # 非
if ! [ 2 -eq 3 ]; then echo "2 does not equal 3"; fi  # 输出:2 does not equal 3

-a  # 与(and)
if [ 2 -eq 2 -a 3 -eq 3 ]; then echo "2 equals 2 and 3 equals 3"; fi  # 输出:2 equals 2 and 3 equals 3

-o  # 或(or)
if [ 2 -eq 2 -o 3 -eq 4 ]; then echo "2 equals 2 or 3 equals 4"; fi  # 输出:2 equals 2 or 3 equals 4
  1. 字符串运算符


=   # 等于
if [ "hello" = "hello" ]; then echo "hello equals hello"; fi  # 输出:hello equals hello

!=  # 不等于
if [ "hello" != "world" ]; then echo "hello does not equal world"; fi  # 输出:hello does not equal world

-z  # 长度为零
if [ -z "" ]; then echo "the string is empty"; fi  # 输出:the string is empty

-n  # 长度不为零
if [ -n "hello" ]; then echo "the string is not empty"; fi  # 输出:the string is not empty
  1. 文件测试运算符


-e  # 文件存在
if [ -e /etc/passwd ]; then echo "the file exists"; fi  # 输出:the file exists

-d  # 文件是目录
if [ -d /etc ]; then echo "the directory exists"; fi  # 输出:the directory exists

-f  # 文件是普通文件
if [ -f /etc/passwd ]; then echo "the file is a regular file"; fi# 输出:the file is a regular file

-r  # 文件可读
if [ -r /etc/passwd ]; then echo "the file is readable"; fi  # 输出:the file is readable

-w  # 文件可写
if [ -w /etc/passwd ]; then echo "the file is writable"; fi  # 输出:the file is writable

-x  # 文件可执行
if [ -x /bin/bash ]; then echo "the file is executable"; fi  # 输出:the file is executable
贡献者: Neil